Strength training involves using weights and the force of gravity to build and strengthen skeletal muscles.

From free weights to static weights, dumbbells, kettlebells, chest press or leg curl machines, our clubs have everything you need to build your strength and for muscle conditioning.


Build your strength in the free weights area where you can train solo, or with the assistance of one of our fitness experts. If you would prefer to be guided in strength training there's a range of pin loaded machines to support strength work.

We’ve also introduced a new Freestyle area of the club where you can try using new equipment for the first time away from the gym floor.

Three Key Elements

To fully benefit from strength training, a workout should include:

  1. Resistance - the weight

  2. Repetition - literally repeating the same movement to fatigue

  3. Recovery - a rest period between sets

The Benefits

The major benefits of strength training using weights include:

  • Increased muscle & bone strength

  • Increased power

  • Shapes your body

  • Burns fat


Let’s make this the year you start saying ‘yes’ to yourself. Get your free pass and let us show you what you’re capable of.