How To Stop Your Protein Shake From Smelling

All too familiar with that lingering stench that stubbornly refuses to leave your protein shaker? Before you go trying various different protein powders in the hope of finding one which doesn’t have this unpleasant effect, rest assured it’s not your specific protein powder of choice… And it is possible to rid yourself of the odour taking the joy out of your protein shake! Here’s how.

Clean your shaker sooner rather than later.

Guilty of devouring your shake during or after your workout, tossing the empty bottle into your bag, and getting on with your day? This is your first mistake!

If you don’t clean your protein shaker straight away, you’re allowing bacteria to thrive. You’ve given them the perfect moist, warm, dark breeding ground, plus leftover protein remnants to feed off. The result: a recipe for germs, and smelly ones at that. Bacteria are often responsible for the foul smell you’re used to being smacked in the face with after taking the lid off your bottle when it’s been sitting for several hours.

Not only are you dealing with the stench, but you’re also risking exposure to the unknown bacteria left lingering next time you use your shaker. So to put it simply, wash your shaker pronto! As soon as you finish your shake, get that thing washed well!

How you clean your shaker matters.

There are a few different methods of cleaning you can use to give your shaker the most thorough, effective clean and minimise the lingering smell.

Firstly, soaking your shaker in hot water with a touch of white vinegar and letting it sit for a while will help dislodge and destroy the unwanted bacteria hanging around.

Alternatively, you could soak it in hot water and detergent for at least 10 minutes.

Or, you can add a teaspoon of baking powder to your shaker as soon as you finish your shake, and fill the bottle with water, leaving it until you get home and can give it a proper clean. The baking powder is extremely powerful in preventing the smell from taking hold until you can give it a thorough wash. Give this trick a go, before you use a vinegar or detergent wash, for best results. A clean and pleasant-smelling shaker? Sold! 

Don’t neglect the straw or lid.

Some shakers have straws, or even lids which are particularly difficult to clean. If not addressed, these areas can offer another appealing opportunity for bacteria to grow and thrive.

This calls for specialist equipment… Get your hands on a straw cleaner (or even a pipe cleaner if you’re struggling to find one) and really get in there. Scrub the inside of the straw, and the small grooves in your shaker’s lid, to ensure you’re giving it the most thorough clean possible and preventing any smelly bacteria from lurking in those hard-to-reach spots.

Consider how you store your shaker between uses.

When it’s out of use, make sure your shaker is left with its lid off and the mouth hole open, to let it air and dry out completely. This again helps prevent bacterial growth and the development of the gross odour. After all, no one wants a shake with a side of stinky!

If all else fails… Switch it up.

Consider switching your drink of choice. If you’re using a whey or dairy-based protein powder (or adding regular dairy milk to your shake), you’re increasing your chances of suffering the protein stench. The general consensus is that these protein varieties tend to be a little stinkier than their plant-based counterparts. Particularly if you’re guilty of letting your shaker sit for a while before cleaning - bacteria love some dairy-based food!

You could also consider sourcing a glass shaker, as these are much less susceptible to holding onto foul odours than plastic bottles. However we know, these aren’t necessarily ideal particularly in a gym environment given how easily they break.

So if you’re truly defeated at this point, why not save your protein powder habit for a post-workout smoothie instead? Adding in some ice, banana (or fruit of choice), nut butter, superfood powders and plant-based milk is a sure-fire way to ensure your protein drink isn’t a stinky one! Problem solved!

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