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You don’t have to step into the ring to build the body of a professional fighter. Boxing is all about intensity! Fast movements, precision technique and an ever-changing pace.
Try four rounds of this circuit, performing each exercise for 40 seconds on followed by 20 seconds rest.
Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, hip and knee flexed. Grab the kettlebell in an overhand grip, held with the finger flexors. Swing the kettlebell over your head. At the top position, the kettlebell should be almost straight up above your head and slightly facing forward. Perform a 180 degree turn, keeping the kettlebell above your head. Absorb the weight at the kettlebell follows the same path back to the starting position. Make sure your arms remain straight. Repeat immediately.
Sit on the floor with your legs out in front of you. Position your right hand behind you and lift your hip off the floor. Stretch out your left arm in front of your face with an open palm. As you make this move, keep your hand open in front of your face Bring your right foot underneath your body, plant it on the ground behind you and stand in a fight stance. Deliver six alternating jab and cross punches on the punching bag. Sit on the floor again and repeat on the other side.
Place a dead ball about a metre away from the punching bag. Lift the ball over your head and slam against the floor. Move into a squat position with your hands on the group. Kick your feet back into a plank position, while you move your hip to the floor. Return your feet into a squat position and stand up in a fight stance. Deliver six alternating jab and cross punches on the punching bag. Sit on the floor again and repeat on the other side.
Start with your back on the mat and put your legs around the heavy punching bag with your feet hooked. Sit up and hit the bag with two alternating Muay Thai slashing elbows, then repeat immediately.
Start in front of the bosu ball with elbows and forearms on the floor. Put your arm shoulder width and place your elbow directly below your shoulder or slightly further to your eye level. Form a straight line with your body. Keep your pelvis in neutral position. Neutralise the spine and neck and keep your head in line with your back. With one arm, deliver two hammer punches to the middle of the BOSU, then repeat with the other arm.
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