With all the talk about overtraining these days, many people overlook the fact that we’re not overtraining as much as we think… Instead, we’re under-recovering. 

Recovery is so important in any fitness routine. It allows you to improve your performance and continue hitting PBs in your workouts, reduces your risk of injury and fatigue, and also allows your muscles the chance to repair and strengthen between sessions. Without recovery, your muscles can’t rebuild from the stresses caused by every workout, so instead of progressing and getting fitter and stronger, you’re actually compromising your own progress.

So let’s discuss how you can level up your recovery game, to help you feel fantastic and keep hitting your goals in the gym.

1. Stretch it out.

After a tough workout, it can be all too tempting to bolt straight out of the gym and get on with your day. But resist the temptation! It’s not too much of a stretch to set aside just 5 to 10 minutes after each session to stretch out the key muscles you’ve used in your workout.

Focus on lengthening, static stretches of important muscle groups like your hips, glutes, hamstrings, quads, shoulders, chest, back and calves – trust us, you’ll feel better for it the next day!

Stretching not only improves your recovery, it also means you’ll be a little less sore the next day, and reduces your risk of injury. 


2. Refuel.

Refuelling your body after every workout is a critical component of recovery. You need to be replacing the energy stores you’ve depleted during your session, so focus on eating a satisfying, nutrient-dense meal including:

-   A source of complex carbohydrates (like sweet potato or brown rice) to replenish your glycogen stores.

-   A source of protein (like eggs, salmon or even a good-quality protein powder) to support muscle repair and recovery.

-   Some healthy fats (like avocado or nut butter) to give your hormones some love and nourishment following the stress a workout places on your body.

Eating a well-balanced meal post-workout can help prevent fatigue and stabilise your blood sugar and energy levels for the rest of the day. If you need some inspiration, why not try some scrambled eggs with wholegrain toast and spinach, or you can check out our huge range of healthy, nutritious recipes for more ideas!


3. Hydrate.

Hydration is essential after each and every session – regardless of how much you’re sweating.

When you workout, you lose a lot of electrolytes and fluids, so it’s really important you replenish these by drinking 2-3L of water each and every day. Staying hydrated supports recovery, metabolism, immune function, digestion – the list is endless. So don’t neglect your water intake.


4. Sleep.

Sleep is another key piece to the recovery puzzle. When you sleep, your body performs the most significant repairs, meaning your muscles can recover and strengthen to support your performance in future sessions.

If you’re not getting enough high-quality sleep each night, your body will inevitably pay the price… So make sure you’re aiming for 7-9 hours each and every evening. And if you’re struggling with the “high-quality” aspect of sleep, try these tips:

-   Establish a night time routine to signal to your brain it’s time to wind down.

-   No phone or devices at least an hour before bed.

-   Reduce your blue-light exposure throughout the day.

-   Try a lavender spray on your pillow, or in a diffuser, before you go to bed – it supports good sleep!


5. Magnesium.

Following on from the importance of sleep, supplementing with Magnesium can do wonders for your sleep, and for your recovery!

This magnificent mineral not only helps relax your muscles and reduces cramping or spasms, it’s also a potent anti-inflammatory, making it truly incredible for recovery.

Magnesium also plays a key role in supporting your sleep. And, with the poorer soil quality here in Australia, it’s really difficult to get enough Magnesium naturally from your diet alone. So consider adding a supplement into your daily routine to support recovery, under the guidance of a health professional.


6. Add in some recovery protocols.

If you want to go all in and be a little extra, add in some recovery protocols each week to give your body an extra boost. Saunas (especially infrared!), hot and cold therapy, and foam rolling are all practices which have been shown to improve blood flow, which helps immensely when you’re feeling sore or fatigued. These protocols also speed up and support your natural healing and recovery processes, and prevent injuries.

Adding these into your week can be an excellent addition to your fitness and wellness routine.

Each of these elements can support and improve your recovery, so you feel energised, strong and refreshed for your next session in the gym!

For more health and fitness tips like these, head to the Fitness First blog!